望朝中心是杭州新興開(kāi)發(fā)區錢(qián)江世紀城的又一地標性建筑,擴大了杭州繁華商業(yè)中心的版圖。望朝中心大樓高度為288 米,是區域內第二高的建筑,迎接著(zhù)從慶春隧道和盈豐路地鐵站出來(lái)的通勤族和游客,它既是錢(qián)江世紀城的門(mén)戶(hù)建筑,又是公共交通導向型開(kāi)發(fā)的典范。
將結構效率、可持續性和針對各種復雜挑戰的應對能力集中體現在一個(gè)獨特的流線(xiàn)型設計中,是SOM建筑與結構團隊協(xié)作整合的典范。建筑首層高流動(dòng)性且友好的開(kāi)放空間將為該地區打造一個(gè)新的公共聚會(huì )空間。建成之后,望朝中心將成為一個(gè)經(jīng)典永恒的的地標,重新定義這個(gè)城市未來(lái)幾十年的天際線(xiàn)。
作為項目的建筑、結構與機電設計師,SOM打造了一座既高效又具凝聚力的標志性辦公塔樓。12.5 萬(wàn)平方米的塔樓,造型獨特,沿著(zhù)脈動(dòng)的曲線(xiàn)向著(zhù)云端升騰,讓人聯(lián)想到周邊茶園中連綿起伏的丘陵和西湖漣漪的波紋。八根巨型角柱,拔地而起,打造了 54 層高、連綿起伏的建筑輪廓,讓整棟塔樓仿佛在不斷地流動(dòng)之中。這個(gè)處理手法,既是建筑形式表達的重要組成,也是最有效的結構解決方案。
The Wangchao Center exists in a moderate seismic region, and its structural system is designed with enough ductility to resist an earthquake. A central concrete core and inclined perimeter columns support composite steel floor framing and truss deck slabs, and work in tandem with the eight mega-columns, which consist of concrete filled tubes clad in champagne-colored aluminum. As the mega-columns slope apart, secondary perimeter columns branch out to maintain equal column bays. All the inclined columns follow the tower’s form and act as mega-braces, without ever converging on one location—empowering the building to resist seismic forces effectively.
In addition to the holistic integration of architecture and structure, the rippling building form presented a unique opportunity to seamlessly integrate the mechanical systems. All of the equipment is concealed within the corners of select floors. The enclosure design also integrates a bespoke spandrel behind a horizontal architectural grille that allows tenants to mechanically open up their interior spaces through ventilators to bring in fresh air.
塔樓獨特的幾何造型和結構設計為各個(gè)樓層都營(yíng)造出一種開(kāi)放感——這對辦公體驗來(lái)說(shuō)十分重要。由于建筑獨特的造型,每個(gè)樓層的平面有細微差異,我們的設計力求每層室內空間布局和風(fēng)格保持一致,以打造溫馨氛圍。位于 23 樓和 44 樓的兩個(gè)空中大堂為辦公用戶(hù)打造了公共休息區,而連接結構的可見(jiàn)部分與中央核心筒的塔冠部分則為聚會(huì )和活動(dòng)提供了額外的活動(dòng)空間。
The unique geometry and structure of the tower create a sense of openness at every level—an essential feeling to the office experience. While floor plates vary from floor to floor with the undulating shape of the building, each follows the same interior rhythm, revolving around the central core clad in travertine to establish a warm atmosphere. Two sky lobbies at the 23rd and 44th floors serve as communal lounges for tenants, while the crown—which connects the visible parts of the structure back to the central core—offers an additional amenity space for gatherings and events.
建筑的首層設計旨在促進(jìn)人員流動(dòng)。相較于錢(qián)江世紀城大多數占據整個(gè)城市街區的辦公樓,望朝中心擁有高流動(dòng)性的且友好的首層設計。塔樓以及其配套的10層裙樓,在整片10,500 平方米用地面積中,建筑覆蓋率相對較低行人可以在布滿(mǎn)花池和綠植的寧靜公共空間和建筑之間穿行。大堂的設計環(huán)繞核心筒360度的展開(kāi),前臺則設置在巨柱前方的角位空間。超透玻璃幕墻包裹著(zhù)首層,將大理石包裹的的核心筒區域烘托為公共空間中的視覺(jué)焦點(diǎn)。
項目名稱(chēng):杭州望朝中心 (Hangzhou Wangchao Center)
主創(chuàng )建筑師: Gary Haney, Daniel Cashen, Charles Besjak, Brant Coletta
設計團隊完整名單:Eric Van Epps, Kwong Yu, Cong Ye, Qinghua Fan, Sharon Liu, Wayne Chen, Xiaohan Wen, Chris Yu, Angela Huang, Alex Ward, Samuel Jiang, Luke Leung, Shirley Lu, Alex Thewis
可持續性認證:LEED BD+C CS (Core & Shell) Silver, BD+C, Silver, 1
設計時(shí)間(起迄年月):2017年4月- 2018年11月
建設時(shí)間(起迄年月):2019年3月 –
用地面積(平方米):10418 sqm2
景觀(guān):t.r.o.p terrains + openspace
室內: Golden Mantis Design Institute
照明:Brandston Partnership
?元宇宙 | 服務(wù) |
200955326@qq.com ?北京市通州區新華西街15號院清控文創(chuàng )辦公區 |
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